Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Public pensions at risk worldwide: Report

Steve Cole Images | Getty Images
The world's retirement bill is coming due—and many countries aren't ready to pay it.
That's the conclusion of a report Monday from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based group representing the world's developed countries.
With populations aging and lifespans rising, government-supported pensions are cutting deeper into national budgets, crowding out spending on other programs and services. The added burden comes as the economies of the developed world are growing slowly, putting added pressure on the tax revenues needed to pay rising pension costs.

The solution, according to the OECD report, includes boosting retirement ages, cutting back on early retirement and providing greater incentives for workers to save for their own retirement, including automatic enrollment in private plans.
"The ongoing rapid demographic shift and the slowdown in the global economy highlight the need for continuing reforms," OECD Secretary-General Angel GurrĂ­a said. "We must communicate better the message that working longer and contributing more is the only way to get a decent income in retirement."
In the U.S., much of the debate over pension reform has centered on the national Social Security trust fund, which has enough reserves set aside to fully cover its costs until 2027. Congress has debated a series of reforms that would extend the plans solvency, including raising contributions, indexing cost of living increases and taxing benefits.

State and local pensions are in much worse financial shape. A report in September by bond credit rater Moody's Investors Services found that, despite recent gains on their investments, U.S. public pension funds don't have nearly enough money to pay what they owe current and future retirees.

In less than a decade, that shortfall has tripled to at least $2 trillion—more than half of all outstanding state and local bond debt, according to the report.

Like nearly all retirement savers, state and local pension funds got clobbered by the 2008 financial collapse. But the pension shortfall had been building well before the downturn—and has been made worse by state and local government's shortchanging annual fund contributions. New Jersey, for example, took "contribution holidays" during the Great Recession and more recently has cut payments or just skipped them altogether, Moody's said.

Without reforms, the higher cost of an aging population threatens to stifle long-term economic growth as countries are forced to borrow money to cover their public pension promises. In Japan, where an aging population is experiencing the biggest gains in longevity, public debt is now more than twice the country's gross domestic product. Despite multiple government efforts to revive growth, Japan recently slipped back into recession after two decades of economic stagnation.

To better manage the financial risk posed by again populations, OECD officials want government to better communicate that risk to investors by creating a standard, global index. The benchmark would help investors price in the added financial burden of increases in longevity that are often buried in outdated longevity tables and other actuarial statistics.

The group also proposed that governments issue "longevity bonds" to hedge the risk that public pensions come up short in covering the cost of paying out the benefits they've promised retirees.
"Capital markets could offer additional capacity for mitigating longevity risk, but the transparency, standardization and liquidity of instruments to hedge this risk need to be facilitated," the OECD said in a statement.

John W. SchoenCNBC.com Economics Reporter

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Finding, and Battling, the Hidden Costs of 401(k) Plans

Like millions of retirees who assumed their companies had taken care of them, Ronald Tussey never thought that his retirement plan might be flawed. He trusted his company so much he kept his money in his 401(k) long after he left.

Having worked as an engineer for 37 years, ultimately at ABB Inc., where he retired 11 years ago, Mr. Tussey said he never paid much attention to the fees in his retirement plan and "assumed the company was looking out for my best interests."

But after seeing a television program on the negative impact that 401(k) expenses can have on retirement savings, he hired a lawyer, who filed a class-action lawsuit in 2006 against ABB and plan administrators.

Ronald Tussey, whose lawsuit against a former employer became a landmark case highlighting expenses in 401(k) plans, at his home in Lake Ozark, Mo., Nov. 6, 2014.
August Kryger | The New York Times
Ronald Tussey, whose lawsuit against a former employer became a landmark case highlighting expenses in 401(k) plans, at his home in Lake Ozark, Mo., Nov. 6, 2014.
Mr. Tussey's suit became a landmark case that highlighted the sometimes excessive expenses in 401(k) plans. The suit remains largely unresolved today, while Mr. Tussey has become an archetype of an inexperienced litigant caught up in a legal battle far more complex than he ever expected.
"I had no idea about litigation," Mr. Tussey says. "It was unbelievable."

Like many employees, Mr. Tussey, now 70, was told that his retirement plan was "free," even though middlemen were deducting expenses from his savings.
In many retirement plans, a significant amount of future retirees' funds are devoured by fees. According to a 2012 study published by the progressive think tank Demos, high 401(k) fees can drain $155,000 from an average household over a lifetime. Higher-earning households can lose even more — up to $278,000.

Growing employee resistance, resulting from a greater awareness of plan costs, has resulted in more than 30 lawsuits against 401(k) plans and employers since 2006. Seventeen have been dismissed, but these suits are time-consuming, complex and difficult to litigate. The oldest 401(k) suits, like Mr. Tussey's, have been winding through courtrooms for the last half decade.

Despite a federal requirement that plan fees be disclosed and numerous reports on 401(k) plan flaws, few employees question how much they are being charged, much less take their employers to court. As Mr. Tussey learned, time spent on legal proceedings is clearly not on a par with time spent traveling the world, working in the community or taking up a new hobby.

After more than six years of litigation, a federal court in Missouri ruled in March 2012 that ABB and its record keeper, Fidelity Investments, violated fiduciary duties to the plan and participants and were liable for $37 million.

ABB appealed part of the case, but the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in St. Louis this year upheld the Federal District Court judgment that $13.4 million be awarded to participants.

A $1.7 million district court judgment against Fidelity was reversed by the higher court.
Nothing, to date, has been paid to ABB 401(k) plan participants. Lawyers representing the employees want the Supreme Court to review the case.
In the meantime, though, there are lessons here for current and future retirees.
David Franklin | E+ | Getty Images
At the heart of the suits are a raft of obscure fees and services that few employees will be able to discern. Unless employers absorb all of the expenses, you must pay the bills for plan record-keeping, administration and fund management.
Most fund expenses not covered by employers are deducted from plan assets — the money pooled for your retirement — and show up in an "expense ratio," which is expressed as an annual percentage of what you have invested. If your plan charges 1 percent on $100,000 invested, you are paying $1,000 annually in fees.

How much is too much for 401(k) expenses? It depends on the size and complexity of the plan. The Department of Labor's fee disclosure requirement, which went into effect about two years ago, will tell you how much is being deducted from your savings, but it won't tell you if that amount is too much.

In the somewhat opaque world of 401(k) expenses, a large plan may be the best deal, but smaller plans can still offer lower expenses if employers shop around. Often only an audit by an independent fiduciary who knows how to compare similar plans can determine whether you are being overcharged.

Jerome J. Schlichter, a St. Louis lawyer who represented Mr. Tussey and plaintiffs in other 401(k) suits, said there were some common elements in plans that could indicate lofty expenses and conflicts.

Even though no extra service may be provided, record keepers may reap higher compensation just because total assets increase from year to year. This number can be hard to find and even tougher to examine. Is your plan's record-keeping fee fair? You may need an independent consultant — someone with no financial interest in the plan, funds or middlemen — to properly vet this number.
Also look at revenue sharing. This is an often complex arrangement where a fund manager "shares" some of the fees it receives from fund expenses with other service providers, such as brokers. This practice, though declining, is particularly insidious since it provides little or no value to employees. It is derisively referred to as a "kickback" by 401(k) critics.

Expenses, perhaps the largest target for 401(k) suits, can be the easiest to vet because fees can be compared across plans and funds. Does your plan charge a "retail" fund fee? It shouldn't because 401(k)'s, even small ones, have access to the lowest-cost "institutional" or exchange-traded funds, which charge as little as 0.04 percent annually.

If your fund company offers multiple "share" classes, you will also need to know if you are getting the least expensive class. To get a basic idea, compare your plan with similar 401(k)'s on Brightscope.com. You can also look up individual fund expenses on Morningstar.com.
You will also need to see what kinds of funds are in your plan. Is your employer, particularly if it's a financial services company, offering "in-house" or "proprietary" mutual funds? They may be more expensive than other funds and pose clear conflicts of interest.
And keep an eye out for unnecessary fees that may be eating up your nest egg. These include commissions, also known as "loads," 12b-1 marketing fees, insurance-related charges, "wrap" fees and transaction expenses.

Even if you are acutely attentive to financial details or can fathom the arcane language of annual plan statements like 5500 forms, this is tough. Except for fund management fees, it's not easy to spot a blatant overcharge. Mr. Schlichter has found that even in a new era of plan disclosure, most employees "are not aware of these fees and don't learn much from their plan statements."

For help, you might want to consult outside resources, like the website Personal Capital. The online money manager has a free 401(k) Fee Analyzer. It will tell you how expenses are affecting your nest egg.

The Department of Labor's website has a wealth of information on 401(k) fees and disclosure, and you can also find a breakdown of 401(k) expenses at Bankrate.com.

What if you've found that your plan is a rotten deal, but you don't want to move your money and can't get your employer to change the plan?
As Mr. Tussey knows, it may be a long, rocky road through the court system, at the end of which you may not reap a penny.

Lawyers representing employees must prove not only that plan participants were charged exorbitant fees or employers showed a clear conflict of interest, but also that employers broke federal law by breaching their fiduciary duty. That's a legal standard that says employers must do everything in their power to act prudently on behalf of workers. In the case of 401(k) plans, that means finding a reasonable selection of low-cost funds and services.
But the legal landscape may change substantially. In October, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a 401(k) fee case. If the court rules in favor of employees, the floodgates could open for more retirement plan lawsuits.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

It pays to shop around for health-care plans

It pays to shop around for health-care plans

If you've spent more time examining holiday sales ads than your open enrollment insurance materials, you're not alone.

A new survey from Aflac found that last year, 41 percent of employees spent less than 15 minutes researching benefits options during their employers' enrollment window—compared with an average two hours deciding which TV to buy. That can be a costly mistake.

Unless you're buying a top-of-the-line $4,000 set, health care is going to be the pricier financial decision. This year, the average worker paid out $4,823 in premiums, 3 percent more than in 2013, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. And experts say more increases are in store for the coming year, so the plan you choose can make a big difference to your bottom line.

"This is a year where employers are making a lot of changes," said Beth Umland, director of research for health and benefits at Mercer, an HR consulting firm. "If you're ever going to read your open enrollment materials, this is the year to do it."
Health Care insurance options in California.
Robyn Beck | AFP | Getty Images
Health Care insurance options in California.
Not only can consumers expect to see more premium and deductible increases, but they may also see more low-premium, high-deductible plans (often called consumer-driven health plans). There may also be surcharges for coverage of a spouse and more incentives for healthy behaviors.
Those trends mean it's smart to use open enrollment to reassesseven if you like your current plan, said Craig Rosenberg, practice leader for health and welfare benefits administration at Aon Hewitt. You might find one that's less expensive or a better fit for your health-care needs.

"Don't buy on price alone," said Rosenberg. "You may find that the plan that costs you the least to purchase ends up costing you the most, with your health-care needs." Instead, assess how you used your plan this year, and look at how the premiums, deductibles and other costs of the plan offerings add up.

Families might find that the best value requires each spouse to find coverage through their respective employers, instead of signing on for one family plan. Employers often cover a lower percentage of health-care premiums for families than they do for individuals, and some are adding on surcharges to cover a spouse who has access to health-care elsewhere, said Tracy Watts, national health-care reform leader for Mercer. The median surcharge is $100 per month.

Don't forget to look at other voluntary benefits. Experts say open enrollment might be your only chance to opt in for employer-sponsored disability insurance, or, if you're looking at one of the high-deductible plans, hospital indemnity coverage to help cover costs if you unexpectedly end up in the emergency room.

Personal Finance and Consumer Spending Reporter

Friday, October 3, 2014

Middle-Class Squeeze: Is an Elite Education Worth $170,000 in Debt?

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The first thing David Weathers thought when his parents dropped him off at Williams College freshman orientation was, "Damn, I'm really on my own now." People didn't understand the slang of his working-class Chicago suburb. Lots of students came from "big, powerhouse private schools." Many of his football teammates didn't think $400 cleats were expensive.

But as the weeks went on, he fell in love with the school. He formed a brotherhood with his teammates and bonded with other freshmen in his dorm. Everywhere he turned, administrators were checking in with him, asking if he had questions, pointing him toward seemingly endless resources.

"This place treats their students right," he said.

Yet a month into the school year, Weathers faces a problem big enough to distract him from studying and give his father an ulcer: An outstanding bill of $42,300.

Yale University buildings, New Haven, CT
Getty Images
Yale University buildings, New Haven, CT
Weathers, who graduated at the top of his class at a charter school on Chicago's South Side, is the first in his family to attend a four-year college—a beacon of upward mobility for people with deep roots in the working class. But unlike many first-generation students, his family has made a comfortable income in the last few years. In 2013, after a career spent clawing his way up through the music industry, Weathers' father made $175,000 as a regional production director for Live Nation Entertainment. Despite a six-figure income, the family of six isn't exactly rich. After expenses, there's not enough left to build a college fund that could cover four years of an elite education, and there's no wealthy relative picking up the slack.

But according to Weathers' award letter from Williams, $175,000 a year means his family should contribute nearly a third of its post-tax income to their son's education.

In the last few years, more colleges and universities have pledged to tackle the problem of "undermatching"—recruiting high-achieving, low-income kids to apply to the Ivy Leagues and other elite institutions who have enough endowment to provide free rides to needy students. Some schools, including Williams, have been putting their money where their mouths are; 18 percent of Williams students now pay no tuition at all. To offset the cost, these schools often aggressively recruit students whose families can pay the full cost of attending—more than $60,000 a year at most top private colleges.

That often leaves students like Weathers forced to choose between taking out a huge number of loans and nearly bankrupting their families.

At expensive, elite institutions whose financial aid is need-based, not merit-based, "you basically don't have the middle class anymore," said Elizabeth Armstrong, co-author of "Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality." Three-quarters of the students are in the top quartile of income, "and then there are poor students, and almost none in between."

"Middle class" can encompass a range of incomes; the median income in the United States is $64,000. Jim Kolesar, Williams' vice-president of public affairs, says current students from families with incomes between $60,000 and $68,000 are paying an average of about $6,000 per year. Although he wouldn't comment on Weathers' specific situation, he asserted a case like this was "highly unusual." Indeed, Williams has the fifth highest endowment of any liberal arts school in the country, and the average amount of debt for a Williams graduate is only $12,474. Williams does better than most in terms of recruiting and providing for low-income students.

Still, Weathers' quandary shines a spotlight on just how expensive an elite college education is, even for a striving, upper middle-class family—and whether it's worth it. Weathers may have been able to graduate debt-free from the University of Illinois, which regularly awards merit scholarships. But shouldn't a black, male valedictorian from the south side of Chicago go to America's number-one ranked liberal arts school if he has the chance?

On paper, a $175,000 annual income seems like a lot. But Chris Weathers, David's father and the sole earner in his family, insists he lives paycheck to paycheck.
"I have a modest house," he said. "Two cars. Four children, a wife, two grandchildren. Two of my [adult] daughters have struggled to find decent-paying jobs…so I help them out. I'm not running up any credit cards."

Chris Weathers' six-figure salary is relatively new, and as soon as he started doing well in the music industry, he needed to erase a decade's worth of debt instead of start a college fund. "My parents are working-class," he said. "We don't have that family money."
Student loan debt now totals more than $1.2 trillion. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), discusses the student loan crisis as she prepares an upcoming bill proposal which would refinance current loans and bring down monthly payments. "Student loan debt is crushing individuals, and a drag on the economy," she says.
In other words, there's a difference between income and wealth. Making a decent salary doesn't guarantee that a family will be able to pay for college. And in a difficult economy, the numbers on a student's Free Application for Federal Student Aid may not tell the whole story.

"The FAFSA formulas just don't work out very well," Armstrong said. It doesn't take into account a household's expenses, geographic location, or obligations to non-minor children. "The vast majority of Americans are nowhere close to being able to manage this situation comfortably."

David is the youngest of four Weathers children. The family had high hopes for him when he started at Johnson College Prep, a charter high school in a low-income area. The school emphasized higher education and walked him through the college application process. Around the same time, a counselor from the Chicago chapter of Kappa League, a national organization that provides mentorship to black, male youth, took Weathers under his wing, too. Over the next four years, he got excellent grades, joined mock trial and the football team, and got a 32 on his ACT.

When senior year rolled around, Weathers didn't even apply to safety schools.

"My whole preconceived notion about college was that if you do good in school, you get scholarships," he said.

In April, he got into Pomona College, Notre Dame, Northwestern, Grinnell College, University of Washington in St. Louis, University of Southern California, and Williams College—all prestigious institutions. Notre Dame was hinting at a generous financial aid package, but the clear choice, rank-wise, was Williams. His advisor from Kappa League said he'd get much more personal attention there than at a big university. So without worrying about the money, Weathers resolved to enroll at Williams—even after his family received their award letter from the school on April 30, 2014. They learned that although Williams had given Weathers $15,320 in grants, his "estimated family contribution" would be $42,300, far more than Chris Weathers says he can afford.

"If I were to pay that amount of money today, I would be flat broke," he said.

At that point in the admissions process, a legacy of attending college or being surrounded by college-educated people may have helped Weathers' family. Savvy parents often pit one elite school against another, trying to negotiate a better financial aid package. Or the family could have applied to the University of Illinois' smaller honors college for standout students.

The family didn't know any of that. Navigating the financial aspect of college, which Chris Weathers called "a never-ending loop," can be a mind-boggling process, even for highly-educated parents. Armstrong mentioned that even though she'd written a book about college, knew many admissions officers, and grew up with a professor as a father, she was "baffled and befuddled by the money and the logistics. It's almost impossible to navigate well."

Still, Weathers reassured his family, who didn't know much about applying for loans, that it would all work out. April turned into summer, which dragged into fall, and on the first day of school, Weathers still hadn't gotten the loans he needed. He said he applied to scholarships, but they were all need-based. So now, weeks after school has started, he's scrambling to get a loan, while his father has applied to refinance his home. The first time Weathers went to the financial aid office to see if he could improve his package, he said a school official suggested he look into transfer options.

"That was really discouraging," he said. "I was like, 'I got accepted here for a reason. I'm not leaving'…I didn't think I'd go broke trying to go to school."

But some would say the financial aid officer had a point. If, hypothetically, his financial package stays the same for four years, Weathers will be staring down nearly $170,000 in debt. Michael Fabricant, a Hunter College professor and author of Organizing for Educational Justice, says going to a public university allows a middle-class student "to sidestep all that debt. There's a real power in being able to build a life right out of college without worry about student loans." Debt requires a graduate to immediately seek out a few high-paying industries, like finance, rather than "engag[ing] in experimentation he or she would otherwise be able to."

A well-known Brookings Institution study by Stacy Dale and Alan Kreuger found that for the majority of students, the most important factor in long-term success is whether one earns a Bachelor's degree, not where it's earned. But the study made an exception for low-income and first-generation college students. In those cases, the networks and personal attention the students have access to in elite colleges make all the difference. At a big, impersonal university, said Fabricant, "you don't forge relationships with people whose families are affluent and have vast networks." First-generation students can do well in state schools, but their upward mobility "may be far slower." These students are 13 percent more likely to graduate in six years from a private institution than a public one.

"If you want to join the leadership class in American society, you're better off staying at a place like Williams," said Richard Kahlenberg, senior fellow at the Century Foundation. "Look at where our Supreme Court justices have gone. Look at our last few presidents."

Weathers loves Williams because of the "super-intelligent people" surrounding him. He wants to be a lawyer or a neurologist, although he has the disposition for politics—he can't walk 10 feet on campus without running into someone he knows. Everyone seems to want to be friends with him. On a typical afternoon in his dorm, his hall mates will knock on his door to come hang in his unusually spacious corner room, outfitted with a lava lamp and hang-a-round chair.

Weathers said he's already struck up a rapport with the professors who teach his classes, two of which have fewer than 30 students. And before classes started, Weathers benefited from a pre-orientation program devoted to first-generation college students, meant to soften the blow of culture shock.

"It's an invisible identity," said Rosanna Reyes, an associate dean at Williams and a first-generation student herself. "It's easier to get lost…bigger schools don't have the ability to devote so much energy to helping these students."

Programs like Williams' pre-orientation are becoming more common, and to their credit, many institutions, regardless of endowment, are making sure they set aside funds for low-income students. But where does that leave families like the Weatherses?
"The middle class gets squeezed," said Kahlenberg. Lots of colleges have yet to recognize that "not just the poorest are in need."
Muharrem Oner | Getty Images
But the deeper issue, said Fabricant, is the nation's unwillingness to invest in public education. "The government has completely eviscerated funding that would allow a middle class or low-income student to cushion himself from debt," he said. Fifty or 60 years ago, a kid like Weathers could have gone to a state university for free. Now, he's taking a huge risk on his financial future that almost amounts to an "individual speculative bubble."

Chris Weathers remembers balking at the price of University of Illinois—up to $35,000 for in-state tuition, room, and board. But now he regrets overlooking that option.

"In hindsight, I should have told David [that Williams was] just not gonna happen," he said. "Because of the high emotion, there wasn't enough logistical reasoning being done."

As for David, the daunting price tag doesn't seem to phase him. He's focused on completing a world-class education at all costs.

"If I just work hard and do my part now," he said, "ultimately I think I will come out on top."

Education coverage for NBCNews.com is supported by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. NBC News retains sole editorial control over the content of this coverage.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

New singles majority is bad news for Social Security

Singles are taking over the nation. For the first time, most American adults aren't married. But fewer marriages mean fewer kids and eventually, fewer taxpayers.
This may be bad news for government sponsored retirement programs. Without reform, economists predict the new singles majority will threaten funding for retiree benefits.
On the other hand, the surge in singles may help save money on welfare programs.

More than 124 million Americans, or 50.2 percent, are single, said economist Edward Yardeni, who analyzed U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data in the August jobs report. Singles include never married, widowed and divorced adults over age 16. When the government started gathering such statistics in 1976, 37.4 percent were single. It has been rising since.

Single adults reign in 27 states. How single is your state?
Data Source: Citylab and Martin Prosperity Institute
In the interactive map above, Louisiana, Rhode Island and New York had the highest percentage of adult singles in 2012, based on U.S. Census data-crunching by The Martin Prosperity Institute and Citylab. Utah and Idaho had the lowest percentage of singles.

A 'demographic gridlock'

If singles continue to reign, there may not be enough kids in coming decades to balance the ratio of retirees to workers, said Yardeni, president of Yardeni Research.

Bad timing, as the youngest baby boomers turn 67 in 2031, when they will qualify for full Social Security benefits. Once the country's largest generational group starts cashing in on Social Security and Medicare, there won't be enough younger workers paying taxes to replenish the system. The problem is compounded by the fact that Americans are living longer than previous generations.
Social Security will also run out in 2031 unless taxes are raised or benefits lowered, the Congressional Budget Office projects. Medicare spending is rising even faster—its main hospital fund is expected to dry up by 2030, the program's trustees wrote in their annual report
"It's a demographic gridlock," Yardeni said in a phone interview. Boomers will not want to give up their long-awaited benefits. Nor will working-age singles—burdened with record-level student debt—welcome tax hikes.

Incentives for young singles to pay into these retirement programs are low. With older generations drying up the coffers, singles expect little-to-no economic return. "It's dead weight loss. A burden," Yardeni said.

One solution is to welcome more young, tax paying immigrants into the country, Yardeni suggested.

Minorities have higher birth rates and can prevent an inverted population pyramid, a phenomenon in rapidly aging countries like Japan, where there are more old people than young. Counting on immigrants is unrealistic, he said, until Congress can reach consensus on reform.

Singles and the safety net 
Although the singles majority jeopardizes retirement programs' funds, they may have the opposite effect on welfare programs for the poor, said Robert Moffitt, a Johns Hopkins University economist who specializes in safety nets.

Spending on assistance for the poor will go down if the singles majority persists, he said, since most welfare programs are heavily biased toward providing benefits to families with kids.
"If you're a childless single and healthy, then you're on your own and won't qualify for most safety net programs," he said in a phone interview.

Unless eligibility rules for entitlement programs change, more singles without families and kids mean fewer adults will be able to receive welfare benefits.
One exception: If a majority of singles is poor, food stamps may see an increase in expenditure since it is the one program that all adults can qualify for regardless of children.

"You get an average of $5 a day for food stamps. That's all you're qualified to get if you're a poor, unemployed single," Moffitt said.